We are in need of auction items to help keep ticket prices reasonable. If you would like to donate auction items, please message Sher Williams Baker or Victoria Liberatore Cather in our Morgantown High Class of 1975 Facebook Group or email us here with your interest. We will set up a Venmo account for sending $$ (it's in the works) and post auction items as they become available.

We will email (from mhs_class_of_75@outlook.com) and add posts to our Class of 1975 Facebook Group as questions arise and we solidify plans.

We will continuously update these web pages with useful links and details. Our growing site index already contains many links to hotels, restaurants and bars, coffee shops, local activities and entertainment, weather, maps, and other Class of 1975 info.

Check back often. Email us.

We will celebrate and remember in July '25, the greatest class alive: MHS '75!

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