How much more there is now to living! Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there's a reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!

--  Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

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So, off we flew to a lunch date at Lake Texoma. Nice day. Great weather. Good food. Smooth sailing.

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dennis maust frames mike with his piper cherokee in the hangar
dennis captures mike doing hangar time
why doesn't dennis maust help mike wash his piper?
dennis being unhelpful while mike washes
mike says c'mon dennis maust, let's taxi
taxi time, dennis, says mike
mike radioing tower or chatting with dennis maust
radio calls or mike chatting up dennis?
dennis maust checking out the scenery in a turn
turns are made for scenery checks
dennis maust snaps more scenery
dennis can't snap enough scenery
dennis maust snaps scenery off the wing
dennis uses the wing for perspective?
dennis maust, aren't you tired of snapping scenery?
what is it with dennis and scenic shots?
dennis maust snaps lake texoma, almost there!
almost lunchtime at lake texoma
dennis maust likes taking pics of mike
mike's kinda handsome, eh?
dennis maust snapping mike attending to radio frequencies
where would we be w/o mike and radios?
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"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky."

--  Amelia Earhart

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